13 Bizarre Bathroom Designs Around The World.

Being in a bathroom can be quite a relaxing experience as you excrete waste slowly but surely. You feel at ease not just because of your bodily functions, but because of the tranquility inside the bathroom. But what if the bathrooms are awkwardly designed? Check out these awkward bathrooms that will are just too strange to ignore.

#13 Bathroom made from one-way glass.

#13 Bathroom made from one-way glass.

The bathroom from which you can see the outside environment. 
Do you have the courage to go in the middle of town in a transparent toilet? Don't worry people from outside cannot see you.

#12 Bathroom with skull.

#12 Bathroom with skull.

Nobody would like to sit on the toilet that has has a large skull staring with its hollow eyes.
This toilet can scare the shit out of you.

#11 The couples bathroom.

#11 The couples bathroom.

The bathroom for lovers just got really weird. This bathroom that let's couples do everything together.

#10 No privacy at all!

#10 No privacy at all!

Now the whole group of friends can shit together at the same time, if you all are so comfortable with each other.

#9 What is the use of those doors?

#9 What is the use of those doors?

The designer who forgot the point of having doors on the bathroom stalls. 
People may not see your face, but they'll see something really embarrassing.

#8 Close and personal.

#8 Close and personal.

And now awkwardly say hi to your neighbor... 
I would like to know what designers wants here.

#7 That lonely toilet.

#7 That lonely toilet.

While you see other guys urinating, you are alone on the toilet minding your own business.

#6 Pooping with the fishes.

#6 Pooping with the fishes.

Bathroom with an aquarium, but what if you are in the middle of pushing out a block, you know what I mean and then you get scared by some strange fish?
I bet the fish do not want to see you doing your thing.

#5 The high-rise bathroom.

#5 The high-rise bathroom.

Experience a giant's perspective while you sit on the toilet. Also you'll feel like many people are watching you from outside their apartment units.

#4 Scary bottomless bathroom.

#4 Scary bottomless bathroom.

Standing in the bathroom, maybe you always fear that you'll fall down. Imagine what will happen to a drunk person if he goes in this bathroom?

#3 When the world's friendliest urinal happened.

#3 When the world's friendliest urinal happened.

Now, you can talk with the other guy while you pee. This makes urination a social activity now.

#2 This awkward toilet.

#2 This awkward toilet.

I would rather control my bowel movement than seating on this toilet.

#1 We invite you!

#1 We invite you!

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