Impossible: Nothing!

I was born on January 25, 1989 in Bogotá, Colombia. That day, the doctors told my parents that I was not going to survive the night and that they needed to say goodbye. Twelve days later I was out of the hospital and on my way home. Doctors said it was something that they could not understand.
Three years later, my parents noticed that my right eye was somewhat lazy. Started therapy, all sorts of glasses, color filters etc. At the age of six, I went under surgery for correcting the muscles that were not functioning properly. Although it helped some, it did not do that much for me.
At the age of 12, I went under surgery again. This time it did even less then the first time. I decided it was time to move on, accept it and continue on with life.
One day, after a couple of years of watching, reading and hearing The Secret, I was searching for the uses of botox. To my surprise, the first use of botox was for lazy eyes. I started searching for doctors in Colombia who knew about this. Luckily, I found one fifteen minutes from my home. I called and scheduled an appointment with him. He said, well in your case botox will not work, but I can operate and you will be perfect. Four months later, here I am with perfect, straight eyes.
This taught me to never give up, that nothing is impossible and that whatever we think of, feel and imagine is completely possible.
Peace and love,

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