Traveling For Free!

Hi, I would like to express my gratitude to Rhonda and her team for sharing The Secret!
I want to start off by introducing myself. I am a regular person who loves to travel although I did not have the financial resources to meet my travel goals. However, after learning about The Secret I used The Secret to help me receive 2 free vacations . The third vacation is mostly covered but the expenses I had to cover are within my budget using The Secret.
In the beginning of the year, there was a voice inside me saying that this year I’m going to be traveling a lot but I did not know how I was going to pay for all the vacations I wanted to go on. I sent a request to the universe asking for 2 free vacations and a third one that I only had to pay a little for. I sent gratitude to the universe for having my vacations being paid for. I visualized myself in 3 different places and I felt happy, free and relaxed.
Fast forward to a couple weeks. I saw opportunities from school and friends about traveling abroad and helping other people in developing countries. I immediately applied for those opportunities, did an interview and I got phone calls telling me I got in! I was accepted to all 3 vacations, two of which are covered completely! I am now preparing myself to go abroad on my first free vacation in a couple of weeks. I can’t explain how grateful I am.
To all the travelers who wanted to travel but couldn’t due to financial needs, “Ask, Believe And Receive”.
In other exciting news, I have gotten another offer to travel to an exotic place for free!!! I am honestly blown away with The Secret and it actually works! The Secret is not a joke and I am the living proof that The Secret actually works!

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