My Greatest Dream Came True!

Hello beautiful people. As I write this am extremely happy and excited and hope that my story inspires many lives all around the world. I am a living testimony and have always been. But first let me convey my sincere gratitude to God for creating such a lovely Universe. I am grateful to Rhonda, The Secret team and everyone who has taken the time to share this magnificent knowledge with us. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
So mine is a miracle. Four years ago I wrote down a list of the qualities I wanted in a partner. I visualized how he would look and how I would feel when that time came, but as time when on nothing happened. I met people but was let down and left heart broken. I decided to quite men and I just lived my life. I completely let go.
Time passed and last year I met a childhood friend. He shared his feelings for me but the feeling wasn’t mutual and I was honest with him about it. So we desired to remain friends but little did I know he had my photo in his room. One day when he had friends over and one of his friends saw my photo and asked about me. One thing led to another and we have been dating for seven months now and will be getting married this year too. What blew my mind is I found my journal from four years ago while organizing my books and to my surprise he fits each and every description in there. I was shocked to tears.
The law of attraction is real and I see it work in my life daily. I even laugh at myself when I attract something I didn’t want because it’s fascinating how accurate it is. I just wish everyone knew this. I love my life and am eager to wake up daily because of the magic and miracles that manifest in my life daily. It’s simply amazing. I have much to say but let me end with these few word if advice. I know that not everyone here is Christian and it’s OK but please keep this in mind. The bible say that faith with out actions is dead. Faith is very important but take it a step further with action. You want a new car, go visit the dealership or if you don’t know how to drive, then enroll in driving school . The key is taking the first step. Remember the most powerful thought is action. Ask, believe and you shall receive.
May God bless you all.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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